Although most widely known for her long-running portrayal of Constance McKenzie in the TV series "Peyton Place" (1964-1965), Dorothy Malone was in a number of Films Noir, usually playing the "good girl." She made a big impression with a small part in her first foray into the genre, The Big Sleep (1946), with Humphrey Bogart. She plays the owner of a bookstore that Bogart uses in his surveillance of the bad guys. An amusing part of the scene is that Bogart seems to find Malone unappealing in glasses and only comes to appreciate her when she takes them off. I don't know of any man whose reaction to Dorothy Malone in glasses differs in any way to his reaction to Dorothy Malone without glasses, but, hey, it was the 40s. :)
The Big Sleep (1946)

with Tab Hunter in Battle Cry (1955)

Dorothy Malone and Rock Hudson in The Tarnished Angels (1958)

Private Hell 36 (1954) Italian Poster

Loophole (1954)

Loophole (1954)

with Robert Taylor in Tip on a Dead Jockey (1957)

in Man of a Thousand Faces (1957)

with Philip Carey in Pushover (1954)

with Fred MacMurray in Pushover (1954)

with Rock Hudson in Written on the Wind (1956)

Her IMDB entry says that she turned blonde for Young at Heart (1954) and remained that way for the rest of her career. Personally, seeing her earlier photos, I could question that decision.